• 领科教育上海校区
  • 招生层次:高中
  • 所需费用:
  • 上海 松江区
  • 课程体系:a-level
  • 留学国家:美国,加拿大,新西兰,英国,法国,新加坡
  • 领科国际高中户外地理课堂感悟分享
    • 文章来源:培优国际选学网
    • 2020-03-01 15:49:15






        It’s always great to see things you were taught in the classroom in real life at a closer distance. When we were walking towards the crater of that extinct volcano in Haikou, seeing the solidified lava on the side of the path, the videos and pictures shown to us in class just came right back in mind. You could almost picture vividly what happened during its last eruption. Michael and I had an interesting discussion about why should we classify any volcanoes as extinct rather than dormant as there are always Magma underneath, even the plates are no longer moving now, maybe one day it will again, won’t they?

        While visiting the mangrove park, to be honest, I never knew what mangroves are exactly. Walking through the forest, totally fascinated by the biodiversity, I guess all there left to say are compliments to the divine nature.

        Though, we were not able to discover some coastal landforms we long for such as headlands, how good will it be if you could see the transform of a headland from cave to arch to stack to stump by marine processes, you would be able to feel the time being worn away I guess, it is still way exceeds anything you could learn from textbooks by simply lying on the beach seeing waves approaching, hitting the beach, breaking and retreating. Seeing beach cusps in person, confirming my hypothesis of no longshore drift in this bay area earlier that day is quite satisfactory. Lastly, when most of our predictions of tourism gets proved while interviewing locals, people working in the tourism industry and tourists, no words could be used to describe our gratification.


        通过这次地理实地考察课,体验了真正的“沉浸式”课堂。见到了和想象中完全不一样的事物,比如火山口的真实样貌是枝繁叶茂而非沙尘弥漫,很多小松鼠窜来窜去。在采访中,也听到了真实的海南之声,我们了解到当地人对海南的经济现状、旅游发展和环境问题的一些看法。这都是从书本和媒体中学习不到的,所以很感谢学校给我们这么难得的海南实地考察的机会,也感谢 Michael 从头到尾的策划与陪伴。总之,海南之行很有趣!
