• 美国Lee Academy高级中学
  • 招生层次:高中
  • 所需费用:
美国Lee Academy高级中学
  • 上海 浦东新区
  • 课程体系:艺术课程,美国课程
  • 留学国家:美国
  • 美国Lee Academy高级中学(上海校区)优秀学生专访
    • 文章来源:培优国际选学网
    • 2020-04-02 07:28:50

        胡同学(LJ,11年级),自2017年入学美国Lee Academy高级中学(上海校区)后飞速成长,不仅在10年级的时候TOEFL获得了110的高分,并且树立了自信成为了一位。现在11年级的LJ,他将回顾在ALAIS度过的三年时光。

        Hu Qidi (LJ, grade 11), a student at ALAIS since 2017, has experienced an immense amount of growth as a student and as a young man, By grade 10, LJ had already scored a 110 on TOEFL and built his confidence to become a strong student leader. As a grade 11 student, he looks back here on his three years at ALAIS.

      美国Lee Academy高级中学(上影校区).jpg

      美国Lee Academy高级中学(上影校区)


        Why did you decide to attend ALAIS ?

        A:我选择入读ALAIS是因为我相信ALAIS可以给我提供更多的机会。我觉得公立学校并不是特别适合我,所以我一直在寻找一个可以帮助我实现人生目标的学习环境。在ALAIS, 我发现这里的学习环境和教学方法更适合我,小班授课形式以及个性化教育模式很大程度激发了我对学习的热情、同时也很大的增加了我的自信心。

        I came to Lee Academy because I believed this school could provide me more opportunities. I did not fit into public schools, so I was looking for a different learning environment that could help me achieve my goals. At ALAIS, I found the learning environment and teaching methods more suitable for me. Small class sizes and individualized education inspired both my learning and my confidence.


        Describe how you have grown as a student and young man at ALAIS? What do you think led to this growth ?


        When I began, I struggled with my English skills. At ALAIS, my teachers worked with me patiently. Hence, I used every moment to improve my academic performance and confidence. I have grown from an academically average student to a top student in my class and have greatly developed my confidence and leadership abilities. My English is so much better that I am now one of the official student translators for Principal Holt.


        What were your goals for the future when you arrived at ALAIS? What are your goals for the future now?


        When I arrived at ALAIS, I had very little direction and limited goals. However, the learning environment and American-style teaching have motivated me to be academically successful and inspired me to become a student leader. Now, my goal is to study liberal arts in a top US university.


        What is the biggest challenge you have faced at ALAIS ?


        The biggest problem for me in the beginning was I did not know how to get along well with my classmates. I was shy and introverted. However, at ALAIS, the caring teachers and the family environment helped me learn how to interact positively with teachers and students.


        What is the most significant highlight of your time as a student at ALAIS ?


        The biggest highlight was when I gave a speech to 800 people at Fudan University for the 21st Century Shanghai Speech Contest. When I came to ALAIS, I was scared to speak in public. Now I have the confidence in my English and myself to speak even in front of large audiences without any fear. I won first prize in that contest.


        What advice would you give to new students at ALAIS ?


        As a new student, do not be afraid to take risks and make mistakes. Each mistake is an opportunity to learn and improve. Be courageous.

        正如LJ的妈妈描述LJ的成长:“ALAIS帮助LJ找到了学习的乐趣。学习不仅仅是关于取得一个高成绩,而是培养学生一个终身学习的热情。在ALAIS, 他有追求自己理想的勇气,敢于梦想,敢于行动。”

        As LJ’s mother describe his growth, “ALAIS helped my son see how learning can be fun. Learning is not just about high test scores; it is igniting an interest in life-long learning.” At ALAIS, “he has had the courage to pursue what he wanted, to dare to dream, and to dare to act.”