• 清华志清中学国际部
  • 招生层次:高中
  • 所需费用:17.20万 / 年
  • 北京 海淀区
  • 课程体系:AP
  • 留学国家:美国,加拿大
  • 清华志清外教有话说:关于留学,你还可以这样做
    • 文章来源:培优国际选学网
    • 2020-03-01 09:41:26

        Introduction: Nothing broadens the mind like seeing the world. At Tsinghua Zhiqing International, students can take advantage of many exciting opportunities to study abroad. With partnerships with leading universities, such as Northeastern University, The University of Wisconsin - Madison, you’re sure to find a destination that matches your goals. We’ll be there to support you every step of the way, from filling out your application to share your stories when you come back home.



        A Guide to Study Abroad

        Are you looking forward to the exciting experience that university life brings? Do you daydream about rattling off phrases flawlessly in another language, or doing research at a field station deep in the middle of the rainforest? There’s a reason that students who study abroad can't stop talking about it. Spending time abroad not only fulfills academic goals, but also lets you experience a new culture, language and environment. Nailing down all the details can seem overwhelming, but lucky for you, we are here to help!



        1、Step 1: Find a Program

        With so many options to choose from, this can be the most daunting part of your search. Before you have a mini-breakdown, take a deep breath and remember why you want to study abroad. There’s a perfect program out there waiting for you and tons of resources to help you find it. You can start your search for programs based on destination, field of study, and du ration. Many universities are located in urban areas, while others are suburban. Similarly most universities offer 4 years undergraduate programs, and some others offer a 3 year programs. Depending on the field and the major you want to pursue, it is wise to focus your search on the universities that specialize in that respective filed. Our advisers at Tsinghua Zhqing International will help you narrow down your search and find the most suitable place for you!



        2、Step 2: Figure Out How to Pay for It

        We know what you’re thinking. College is already expensive, so how will you find the extra cash to take classes in another country? It’s true that some study abroad programs are pricier than others, but the good news is that programs exist for every budget.

        If you’re planning to self-funding your trip, be sure to involve your parents early on in the discussion to choose a realistic budget for your program. Other than self-funding there are other options as well. Below are some tried and true methods for reaching your goals:

        Financial Aid. If you’re currently receiving a grant or scholarship, especially if supplied by the government, chances are it can be used for studying abroad. Contact your financial aid office or scholarship provider.

        Scholarships. Many universities and organizations offer various amounts of scholarships which can either partly or fully cover your studies for a specific time. Be sure to check on the website of the universities that you are applying to find out about the scholarships that they offer.

        Loans. Many banks offer study loans. Be sure to check all the necessary details if you are considering this option.

        Crowd funding. Many students have realized their study abroad goals by using an online fund - raising platform such as FundMyTravel and others.







        众筹。许多学生通过在线众筹平台实现了他们的留学目标,比如FundMyTravel 等。

        3、Step 3: Prepare for Your Adventure

        Once you’ve chosen your program and secured funding, it’s time to start planning your trip. This will probably be fun and stressful at the same time, but don’t worry! Most programs offer assistance with your application, school application, the visa process (if needed), course registration, housing, airport pickup, international health insurance, and even events and excursions. That said, there are still some things you’ll need to take care of on your own:

        Documents. Ensure you have a valid passport and visa for your destination.

        Health Check. Visit the CDC website to find out if you need any vaccinations or medications.

        Packing. Be sure to consider the weather, culture, and airline luggage restrictions before throwing something in your suitcase.






        4、Step 4: Live Your Best Study Abroad Life

        Studying abroad is all about breaking out of your comfort zone and experiencing something new. It’s impossible to predict the unexpected, hilarious, and memorable situations you’ll find yourself in once you’re abroad. Academics may be the reason you’ve decided to study abroad, but they aren’t the only thing you should focus on. For a well - rounded study abroad experience, it's important to balance school with the cultural learning that happens outside of the classroom. Go to class, study for tests, and be an engaged student, but don't neglect what's going on around you either!

        Going abroad can be challenging because you're dropped into a new environment with new cultural norms, but learning about your surroundings is part of the fun. Do your research in advance to learn about local customs, but then try to make friends with locals who can confirm what you've learned.

        Make an effort to immerse yourself. Challenge yourself to only speak your new language and then be amazed with how quickly your skills progress. There's a reason you saved your pennies and traveled across the planet - don't waste a single opportunity!



