• 美国威力塔斯学校
  • 招生层次:初中,高中
  • 所需费用:23.00万 / 年
  • 北京 大兴区
  • 课程体系:美国课程,AP
  • 留学国家:美国
  • 威力塔斯每周集会,丰富课堂课余生活
    • 文章来源:培优国际选学网
    • 2020-03-02 11:07:00



        At the weekly assembly, principal Larryand other teachers recapped major activities from last week.One highlight is thatMichael Zhang led members of theMUN clubto attend a MUN seminar held in Beijing No.2 middle school. Afterwards, principal Larry introduced the game of “Taboo”to urge all students to be prepared for the Taboo Competition on Wednesday. At the end, Principal Larry talked about Thanksgiving and asked us to give a round of applause to our teachers.

        As a student here at Veritas, I enjoy weekly assembly because it feels good when all the students and teachers gather up and have this “family” conversation. To be honest, it is hard to keep me away from loving my Veritas family.





        On 18th, November, VERITAS Model UN club had attended a seminar of Model UN project. This seminar was held by 2nd Middle School, Dong Cheng district, Beijing.The speakers of the seminar were elites from the College of International Relation and the College of Diplomacy. The speakers introduced the basic routine of Model UN, and the things that we need to notice in the formal MUNconference.The participants of our school were:Michael Zhang, Jeremy Guo, Jimmy Jiang, Rachel Zhang, Elle Fang, Louis Lu, Leo Li, and Daniel Ju. After the seminar,weall hadour own deep thoughts on Model UN. Moreover, we should show our sincere gratitude to the parents of Leo Li, they provided this precious opportunityand the genuine concern and support for us.




        (九年级王雅萱Emma、十年级方悦Elle供中文稿;十一年级王昭元 Ricky 11供英文稿)

        This Wednesday, the activity hosted by our student government- The Roast(speech contest)- concluded with a perfect ending. Three different groups of campaigners presented brilliant speeches respectively. These speeches were Jimmy's complains about the stupid teammate in the game of “the glory of the king”, Emma and Elle'stalk on the ways of commit suicide, as well as Celia’s speech about the Chinese dream. They brought enjoyable time for everyone. After the speech, the judge Susan and Aphrodite gave the campaigners admirable compliments and suggestions. We hope everyone will attend activities like this,for it is not only for the sake of training our English speaking ability, but also we can build and strengthenfriendship between students.



        周三晚, 外教Ms.Deodat组织的词汇嘉年华--猜词活动火热开展了!同学们分成两队,一队由外教Mr. Jamis带队,一队由外教Mr.Novelus带队进行比拼。在开始之前Mr.Novelus拿出了事先准备好的宣传牌,上边写着“Mr.Jamis队必败,我们才是赢家!”,直接在气势上压倒对方! Mr.Jamis队的同学们也不甘示弱,集体高呼“Mr.Jamis!”来猛烈回击。竞猜开始后,领队外教作为代表,用语言来描述屏幕展示的词汇,同学们来猜。Mr.Novelus一开始与同学们默契配合,领先于对方。但是后来描述过程中优势不敌对方,被迎头赶上,以24:24持平。最终Mr.Novelous队在决胜局犯了一点小失误,将冠军送给了Mr.Jamis队!不过同学们没有气馁。无论谁输谁赢,同学们玩得都很尽兴,气氛热烈,在游戏中巩固了单词记忆和词汇延伸。

        (八年级江源昊Jimmy供中文稿;九年级张宇娴 Rachel供英文稿)

        We had a word competition called “Taboo” which was led by Mrs. Deodat on Wednesday night. First we were separated into two groups, and the leaders were Mr.Jamis and Mr. Novelous. At the beginning, there was a note which had “Mr.Jamis’ team must lose, we’ll be the winner!” on it and it made Mr. Novelous’ team’s momentum stronger than Mr. Jamis’. But the team members of Mr.Jamis weren’t losers, they foughtback with extreme enthusiasm, shouting for Mr.Jamis! Then each side’s leader was the representative, they described the words exactly and the atmosphere began to heat up.




        Thursday night during mentor time,our mentors employed various methods to discuss campus topics such as school bullying and striving. In a comfortable atmosphere,students opened up and shared their deepest feelings and opinions. This process is beneficial to students' moral development.

        The tactic understanding made Mr.Novelous’ team had a good start. But the superiority began to disappear when the later students went to join thecompetition. Two teams drew with the score 24:24. At last, Mr. Novelous’ team made a small mistake in the most important round, so Mr.Jamis’ team won the game! But, honestly, no matter who the winner was, all the students and teachers had a lot of fun and solidified their understanding of these words






        This week, eleventh graders had a special drama class: they went to Ren Min University and watched a drama show (Romeo and Juliet) with Miss Goodson. This is the exact show students are rehearsing. Every student was amazed by the drama show. This show not only does famous for its reputation but it also has six great actors. Those six actors used unique performing style to play the whole show. For instance, Romeo and his two friends totally showed that how past European nobility look like. At the end, when the play was in the falling action (Juliet and Romeo were both dead), the audiences were involved in the tragic scene and felt sorry for the love of Romeo and Juliet. By watching this show, students analyzed the character they are going to play thoroughly and learned a lot about the historical background and social context of the characters.



        本周五,威力塔斯学生有幸走进吴荻老师在北师大实验中学建立的博物馆,见识了古画,古文物,陶瓷等。之后聆听了吴老师讲授中国语言文化的来源和典故,了解和感受中国语言文化的博大精深. 威校北京向来注重中国传统文化的传承和推广,孩子们将来无论走到哪里,都是中国文化的使者!

        Thanks for Veritas providing such a great opportunity to our students that visiting the art gallery of the experiential

        high school attached to Beijing Normal University. They saw lots of precious paintings, antiques, and china, etc. After that, Mr. Wu Di, the master of Chinese culture, gave us a wonderful storytelling performance. His vivid lecture made us understand more the allusions of Chinese culture and taste the extensive and profound Chinese culture.Veritas always values the inheritance and promotion of traditional Chinese culture. No matter where our kids go, they will always be ambassadors of Chinese culture!
