• 美国威力塔斯学校
  • 招生层次:初中,高中
  • 所需费用:23.00万 / 年
  • 北京 大兴区
  • 课程体系:美国课程,AP
  • 留学国家:美国
  • 美国威力塔斯阅读体系|Veritas Literacy Program
    • 文章来源:培优国际选学网
    • 2020-04-08 08:05:36

         为了培养学生们的读书兴趣,创造更好的语言学习环境,“威力塔斯阅读体系”应运而生。该系统引进自美国的定制化英语读写学习解决方案Achieve3000, 通过以 “读前测评”“阅读文章推送”“阅读后持续评估”“阅读奖励计划”四步为核心步骤,帮助学生们养成受益终身的阅读习惯,提高他们的阅读理解和写作能力,从而达到令学生们从被动学习中解脱出来,变为主动学习。

        Veritas is establishing a Veritas Literacy Program in order to develop the students' interest in reading and to create a better second language learning environment. This program used Achieve3000 as a reference. There are four steps in the program. First is "The Reading Assessment", second is "The Active Reader", third is “Re-Assessment", and the fourth is “Reading Incentives.” These four steps help the students benefit from lifelong reading habits, improve their reading comprehension and writing ability, so as to allow the students to transition from passive learning to active learning.

        读前评测|The Reading Assessment


        Step 1: The Reading Assessment

        The reading assessment is intended to test our students and determine their reading grade level. We test our students on the grade levels that are suggested by our Literacy Department which includes English and Omnibus teachers. Each student reads an interesting and relevant passage, and then the students will answer the comprehension questions that follow. After gathering the data to determine the reading grade level for each student, we will inform the students and their parents.

        阅读文章推送|The Active Reader


        Step 2: The Active Reader

        Starting in January 2019, every month each student will be assigned a book which compliments their reading level. Students are advised to read their book during their free time and will create journal entries for each chapter of the book. Twice a month students will have an opportunity to share their journal entries in our school wide morning assembly.



        Step 3: Re-Assessment

        Midway through the semester, students will be reassessed to check their reading level proficiency. Our school’s goal is to enhance our students’ reading abilities with active reading behaviors. We hope our active readers will elevate their reading skills to their appropriate grade level or higher, which will make them confident readers, great writers and excellent critical thinkers.

        阅读奖励计划|Reading Incentives


        Step 4: Reading Incentives

        A Reading Awards Program is established to motivate students’ interest in reading. The literacy center will issue a Reading Certificate to the qualified students at the end of each academic school year. The program provides rewards such as movie nights, theme park visits, free homework passes and free books. Students with outstanding reading performance will have the opportunity to be selected as the school ambassador.




        在秉承美国本校完整的经典教育体系指引下,威校北京特别设立了18个各种青少年俱乐部和志愿者联盟等学生社团组织,部分俱乐部得到热衷教育事业的优秀企业冠名,如六力教育冠名的威力塔斯六力网球俱乐部、美国工业技术集团冠名的USIT威力塔斯游泳俱乐部,这些俱乐部免费为在校生提供课外训练,参加俱乐部的学生每年将免费得到不低于230个小时的专业体育训练! 2018-2019年毕业生平均托福104+,平均SAT1420+,全部被美国综合排名前60的学校录取,乔治华盛顿、雪城大学、宾州州立、罗格斯、普渡、弗吉尼亚大学等美国名校录取。