• 上海宏润博源学校
  • 招生层次:高中
  • 所需费用:
  • 上海 青浦区
  • 课程体系:美国课程
  • 留学国家:美国
  • 上海市科普之星上海宏润博源学校分论坛圆满落幕
    • 文章来源:培优国际选学网
    • 2020-04-08 09:14:17


        On the afternoon of November 1, 2019, Shanghai Hongrun Boyuan School Sub-forum of the Second Shanghai Popular Science Star was concluded successfully. In addition to the students and faculty members of SHBS and the winners from other schools, Mr. Wong Guoqiang, director of Popular Science Star Forum and vice president of Shanghai Science and Technology Translation Society, Mr. Ruan Junbin, executive director and secretary of Shanghai Science and Technology Translation Society, Ms. Gu Haiyue, lecturer from Shanghai University and expert invited by Shanghai Science and Technology Translation Society, and some other distinguished guests also attended this sub-forum.




        This forum was hosted by Hina Liang, a 10th grader from Shanghai Hongrun Boyuan School, in both Chinese and English. Eight videos were shortlisted for this on-site display. The popular science videos made by the students are very interesting and explain complicated scientific theories in simple and understandable language. The audience was absorbed in the videos and was impressed by the students’ video making and English dubbing ability. Foreign Principal of Shanghai Hongrun Boyuan School and the person in charge of the Popular Science Forum both delivered opening speeches, stressing the importance of science popularization and the importance of curiosity.


        Ms. Gu Haiyue, expert invited by Shanghai Popular Science Forum and lecturer from Shanghai University, delivered a speech themed "Innovative thinking – enlightening the wisdom of science" in English. She Shared her understanding of innovative thinking and some practical ways to cultivate our innovative thinking, which was very inspiring.

        中场休息十分钟之后,我校的汪洁、项斯辰、李雨烨、陈姝妤、彭知还和吴文昊同学给大家带来了他们自己编排的活力四射的K-pop和Pen Beat表演,为下半场的活动热烈开场。After a ten minute break, SHBS Students Jenny Wang, Season Xiang, Angel Li, Caca Chen, Edward Peng, and William Wu presented their energetic k-pop and Pen Beat performances, which gave a vigorous opening to the second half of the forum.


        Distinguished guests invited by the popular science star organizing committee presented awards to the winners and read out the committee's remarks about the winning works. 11 grader Olivia Wang from Shanghai Hongrun Boyuan School and 5 grader Amanda Cui from NACIS shared why they were interested in making popular science videos, the problems they encountered in making the videos, and how they solved these problems, which inspired other students a lot.

        科普之星,点亮科学之光,增长科学知识,浓厚科学氛围。本次科普之星论坛宏润博源分论坛,就在大家的掌声中圆满落幕。Popular Science Stars can kindle the light of science, increase scientific knowledge, and create strong scientific atmosphere. Shanghai Hongrun Boyuan School Sub-forum of the Second Shanghai Popular Science Star was concluded successfully in the applaud of the audience.