• 上海宏润博源学校
  • 招生层次:高中
  • 所需费用:
  • 上海 青浦区
  • 课程体系:美国课程
  • 留学国家:美国
  • 上海宏润博源学校老师眼中的普同学
    • 文章来源:培优国际选学网
    • 2020-04-09 08:40:43





        普同学的学覇气质是很多人一下子就能感受到的,但我印象更深的是他那种不追求虚名、宽容、虚怀若谷的气质。这在当今青年中是很难得的。他在胡润排行榜第一的学校学习成绩前三,但在11年级转入更适合自己的宏润博源。他努力寻找每个同学的优点,宽容地对待同学们的不同点甚至不足。他会好几国语言、GPA 高达4.5,但他总是虚心地对待学业、学友、师长,赢得广泛赞誉。普同学不仅仅属于今天,更属于未来!宏润博源拥有这样的孩子,是幸运的。我们会珍惜!

        Chris Moses老师

        Jerry is a student who can grasp an astounding range of material quickly and thoroughly. More importantly, he can in turn ask insightful and probing questions inspired by his roving intellectual curiosity. He reminds me of a student in an advanced college seminar. And while Jerry might seem a bit reserved, as you get to know him, you realize he has a kind and witty and playful personality that amplifies his tremendous native intelligence.

        Steven Bonta老师

        Jerry Pu is an exceptional student whom it has been my privilege to teach on an independent study and elective basis. Jerry has an abiding love of, and strong aptitude for, languages; his English is impeccable, and he has also studied Latin, ancient Greek, and classical Chinese. I offered to teach him Sanskrit and Avestan, two important ancient literary languages of the Indo-European family. He rose to the challenge admirably, and after only two semesters working with Vedic Sanskrit, the most ancient and grammatically complex version of this literary language from the Indian Subcontinent, he has already begun to develop some proficiency. He has also done very well with the Avestan language, a language similar to Old Persian. After only one semester, he has completed nearly one half of the textbook and is able to translate Avestan hymns quite well with. Jerry has also taken both my Spanish and French electives, and, as with other languages, has been learning them with ease and enthusiasm. In addition to his brilliance as a language scholar, Jerry has impeccable manners, always conducting himself with humility and respect for others. He is very disciplined and hard-working, and has long since mastered the practice of putting first things first. Despite his youth, Jerry has already earned the title of scholar, and it has been, and will continue to be, my privilege to direct him, in some small way, along the path of scholarship.