• 美国威力塔斯学校
  • 招生层次:初中,高中
  • 所需费用:23.00万 / 年
  • 北京 大兴区
  • 课程体系:美国课程,AP
  • 留学国家:美国
  • 威力塔斯每周集会,从失物招领开始
    • 文章来源:培优国际选学网
    • 2020-03-10 09:14:02


        本周美国威力塔斯学校集会依然从失物招领开始,提醒所有同学要从身边小事做起。张皓校长每次都不放过任何机会来提升同学们的英文表达,随机提问关于失物招领相关的词汇。之后,张校总结了本周词汇和语法测试结果,这是学好英文的重要基础。本次集会重点强调宿舍管理制度和纪律情况,Demerit不是为了惩罚,目的是帮助同学们养成良好的学习、生活习惯。最后张校建议每位同学一定要准备一个error correction book (改错本),把每天各科的错误记录下来并经常复习。只要大家持之以恒,我们就能见证滴水石穿的力量!

        This week’s assembly started with lost and found, which reminded students to pay attention to the small things around us. Principal Larry Zhang randomly asked students the English expression of lost and found, taking every chance to help students with English expressions. Later, the principal announced the list of vocabulary test winners this week: congratulations to Celia who got 100 points and others who are on the list. Kids, you did well. Keep it up! Afterwards, principal announced that students’ progress report card will be issued this week, and announced the implementation of dormitory demerit (deduction) system along with students who got demerits last week, with the aim to aid students in developing good habits. Finally, our principal suggested that every student should prepare an “error correction book” in which daily records can be recorded and reviewed. As long as we persevere, we can witness the accumulation of knowledge over time!


        经过近两周对于戏剧的布景、人物、台词、演员心态的专业学习之后,七八年级的同学们分三组为我们献上了他们的戏剧首秀。Ms. Goodson作为主持,还有Mr. kelsor, Mr. Nolden和Ms. Hinman等中外教老师们充当观众,观看他们的表演。孩子们都非常兴奋,表演时充满活力,整个表演笑声不断,大家都很开心。


        After 2-weeks of learning about setting, character, line and mindset, our lovely students from the 7th and 8th grades, who were divided into 3 groups, gave us their first rehearsal in drama class. Ms. Goodson hosted the rehearsal, and she also invited Mr. Kelsor, Mr. Nolden, Ms. Hinman and other teachers to come up and watch the show as the audience. The kids were all very excited, and their performance was full of enthusiasm. Everyone was laughing and enjoying the show.

        The children performed 3 scenes. Every story was made up from the stories written by each group members. So the stories were all the combination of the children’s inspiration. Therefore, they all tried their best to perform the show. Even the shyest boy in the class could stand on the stage and say his lines loudly. That's the beauty of Drama class: every student receives the courage to show themselves, and discover something different about themselves.





        The Roast

        Just as everyone expected, all of the activities that the student government organizes will grows more and more interesting. After the crazy Halloween party, the student government got to work immediately on the next huge activity----the Roast (at November 22th)! I believe all of you always have something to say on issues such as pollution, relationships between people and people, or cell phones and etc. In this activity, you can say anything on any issue to anyone (Of course you can comment on them only if you have their permission). We sincerely hope that you’ll be interested and would like to participate in it! Also, we will provide tons of gifts to the speakers! (-^v^-)


        导师Ms. Goodson老师和Ms. Hinman老师一改往日的教室座谈形式,带着自己组所有的女同学到自己家,学习每个美国女孩必备的一项技能——烘焙下午茶的小曲奇。同学们分为两组,一组学习制作巧克力碎曲奇,另一组则负责双层巧克力曲奇。在制作前,导师们先带着同学们了解不同原料的英文术语,鼓励孩子们在学习烘焙过程中运用这些词汇。时间不知不觉就在欢声笑语中过去了,最后每位同学拿着自己所做的甜点迫不及待地分享给其他同学,得到了一致好评!Mentor老师通过丰富多彩的形式使我们互相增进了解,潜移默化影响着我们,这是我们威校的特色之处!



        During the mentor time on Thursday, we should talk about the conditions with the mentors in our classroom. But this week, Miss Goodson and Miss Hinman invited all their mentees to their apartment to study the skill which all the American girls can do——making cookies. We were divided in 2 groups; one of them for making chocolate chippings cookies, and the other team for making double chocolate cookies. Before the baking process, we learned the English versions of the different materials, and we use them very carefully during the party. Of course, we spent all 45 minutes in happiness. Finally, when we got the cookies which were made by ourselves, we got so excited to share them with our classmates, and they liked them very much. Mentors enhance teacher-student understanding using diverse methods and influence students in every way, which is one of the best features of Veritas!






        这次急救培训所有同学都积极参与,每个人都学到了急救的基本知识与技能。再次感谢Steff, Limbo, and Michelle,让我们感受到了生命的宝贵,并帮助我们应对突发状况做好准备。


        As a student in VERITAS, everyday is walking in the jungle of learning. Yesterday, 15th of November, VERITAS is honored to have three special guests from InsightAdventures to talk about life of ours. We learned what to do during the best rescue time and how to perform CPR on site. I would really love to share two things I have learned from it.

        First, the one thing that you should keep in mind is that ALWAYS call ambulance if you were in urban area. Wait So what is wilderness? Steff has an answer. In his word, wilderness is an hour drive from urban area.

        Our life is delicate. Believe it or not, we are probably dead millions of times at other parallel universe. The bitter fact is that there are only two reasons accounts for your death. Getting old is the first one: 70% of the humans died for being old. Life expectancy is just a number. Don’t count on it. The second reason is because you are too silly. Do not take it as an offense, in the face of your straight As and 4.0 GPA. You do not know how to save your life, or save others. That could be your only fatal flaw.

        This is dedicated for Steff, Limbo, and Michelle, who reminded us how precious our life is and helped us to be prepared in saving lives in emergencies.




        本周四,威力塔斯志愿者小分队继续校园内清理垃圾的工作。本周带队的Sam Xu徐乾程同学与组员Ricky Yang杨天杰,Victor Wu吴松原,Elle Fang方悦同学团队协作。十一月的北京,早已寒风瑟瑟,满地的落叶更是使人感受到了冬天的气息。不过我们的同学们不但没有一句抱怨反而更加认真,好似要和寒冷的天气比一比。希望同学们保护环境的热情可以感染更多的人!

        Our school’s volunteer team began to act again this Thursday on cleaning up the garbage on campus. Sam Xu (10th grade) lead his teammates Ricky Yang (10th grade), Victor Wu (10th grade), and Elle Fang (10th grade) to carry out this mission. Although the weather was cold, our volunteers still worked in the cold conditions with an even tougher attitude. We should praise these young kids for their spirit, and hope their passion to protect the environment can influence more people to join us!




        This week we went on our Volunteer work, and this is the 14th activity we’ve done. The students were separated into two groups and worked around two subway stations. The bikes in our area of activity were all set in good order. One thing that deserve to be mentioned is when we were arranging the bikes, some passers-by would put their bikes next to the bikes which were already reorganized by us. The original intention for us to start this Volunteer work was to influence other people. I hope we can make the city more clean and tidy by making great efforts so that others notice the importance of this and take action as well; I also hope that according to our persistence, more and more people can support and join in us.
